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Snowshoehiking on the Villanderer Highlands

Price: Gladly request

Meeting area: Base Camp Dolomites

Departure: 9 am

Deathchurch – Stöfflhut

From the Gasser Hut we go near the sledding road on track nr. 15.

We go to the Stöfflhut where we have lunch.

After a wile we take the left way to the deathchurch.

On beautiful tracks we will arrive first to the little Death Lake and then to the Death Church.

Here we rest and enjoy the amazing view of the Dolomites and the Sarntaler Mountains.

Now we go on the highlands to the Stöfflhut, where we eat tradicional meals.

After lunch we turn by foot or on sledge to the starting point.


A very exciting roundwalk that we can do on fullmoon to.

We also have our own Snowshoe and stick rental.

Distance: 12 km

Ascent: 500m

Descent: 500m



For more informations contact us in our office on the train station of Bozen.