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From Bolzano passing Merano to the Val Venosta until Katharinaberg in Val Senales.

At the Moar Farm we will do the wonderful Archery.

It is about 5 km long passing through wild landscapes.

The 3D Archery at the Moar Farm is a trough wood passing hunting track, which dures about 3 hours.

Go hunting on Ötzis track and catch your dinner by yourself.

After this experience we will have lunch at the Golden Cross in Madonna.

After the meal we will visit the interesting Ötzi ArcheoParc.

Here we will have a theoric and practic overview about the life of the  people in the stone age.


After this complete programm we will turn back to our starting point.


Transfer with our vehikel.

Accompanying  the whole day

Instructions about place and history.


Tickets and lunches are extra.


Archery for adults: 10€

Arch rental: 5€

Archery for children: 6€

Arch rental for children: 5€


Ticket ArcheoParc:

Adults: 8€

Chidren: 6€

Special family prices

Lunch a la carte


Return: about 7 pm

For more informations call our office in the train station of Bolzano (0471 971 733)